
Showing posts from 2008


风远远地吹着我的脸我的手我的发我的心我的眼睛 你远远的呆在那个城那个路那个房那个灯那扇窗口 我静静的放着你给我的CD音乐当作背景 怎么唱 都不再煽情 我记得你习惯闭着眼抱着我好像我是你的脸笑嘻嘻 我不知该如何对你笑对你哭张着嘴不理你像个机器 你的世界我的日子好像没有谁对谁发过脾气 过的太快,来不及 唉哟…… 你说你说我们要不要在一起 柔情的日子里 生活的不费力气 傻傻看你 只要和你在一起 我说我说我要我们在一起 爱你不费力气 不像现在只能遥远的唱着你 A Song by Fan Xiao Xuan and sang in this video by Lai Ming Wei, a song which well I didn't know this song exist until I saw this video, found the genre quite interesting and well I did my best to sing it in KTV yesterday. Thanks so much to the support by Alex, WeiQi and Mandy, oh well and another girl...really forgot her name...I'm really so bad at names... It made me thought so much, during this few days, really made me thought alot about myself, about what is happening in my life, perhaps alot of things I will have to really think about what I do recently. I really love my friends, I seriously love every single one of them. They gave me so much support, and well without you guys, I will really plunge into my own void...into my own world so much.... -S...


很久很久以前,有一个单身的男人独自抚养了一个三岁大的女儿。在圣诞节的时候,女儿准备一份礼物摆在圣诞树下。礼物是用了一个金色的包装纸包起来。男人到家的时候,狠狠地骂了女儿,因为当时景气不好, 他骂女儿的原因是因为它浪费钱了。 圣诞节那天早上,女儿把礼物带到了男人的面前。“爸爸,这是给您的”男人看着礼物,知道自己昨天太冲动了,原来礼物是买给自己的。男人打开礼物,里面出了一个箱子以外,什么都没有。男人看了以后,以为女儿在开自己的玩笑,又骂了女儿。“你不知道,礼物盒子里因该有东西吗?” 女儿眼中含泪地说,“不!爸爸,我把我的爱都放在盒子里!而且都是对您的爱!” 男人听了知道自己错了,把女儿拥在怀中叫女儿原谅他 圣诞节后的一天,女儿就被上帝带走了。女儿在一场严重的车祸里,离开了。 男人在很久很久候还是把包着金色的盒子留在身边,每当他在任何的时候感到消极或失落,他就会把盒子拿出来,感受那个女儿留给他满满的爱,记起纳三岁大的女儿。 -沁


从来就没有人问过我长大後到底要做些什么 放弃学业後如今什么都没有 没什么可以骄傲 现在写的每首歌对我来说希望可以被人接受 虽然很多人不了解我 可是至少我还有个梦 我一个人走 一个人看透 一个人受 烟都抽的寂寞 酒里头带着忧愁 路我自己选择 我一个人走 我的家人从不知道我这几年究竟在做些什么 直到这几年我才告诉他们我正在追求一个梦 他们没有反对 他们只能在我背後默默支持我 害怕他们一天天的老去 我只想带给他们快乐 我不想多说 随口说说 可能喝的多 我从来就没埋怨过 那是因为我有个幸福生活 我一个人走 A song that i feel tremendously touched when listening...Perhaps this is what happen to alot of people felt when walking on their own path. It is the life that perhaps people have undertake. A path that is not mainstream full of prejudice and unsure. I have such a path currently and I am certain that this path will take me to where I wanted to go. My way of living, it has been accepted by many who truely knows me and I am proud to have real friends now that understands what I think and what I yearn for. The dreams that I hold in my hands...the power that I can create. I solve problems and hopefully someone will come along and solve mine. Perhaps doing my best is not enough... Losing... Perhaps this is a stage that everyone have to go thro...


It was morning rush usual i'm late for did everyone that is present in the train with me currently. Well Yishun has something that is good about it, and that is every alternate train, there is an empty one...well I happened to be lucky and got a seat. Through the crowd I happen to see the pretty face of a lady standing near to the door. She has just entered the carriage from Braddell station. Well she has such a nice face that it melts the boredom of the journey... As the crowd become lesser after passing through Toa Payoh and Novena, the girl did not move to the more spacious areas in the train...she just stand to the door...and the best thing is that...she is not moving.... I am puzzled...wondering why is she still standing near the door...and even when there is space beside the door which has a transparent tinted glass which people always lean on...she didn't move over to lean on the glass... Feeling extremely curious, I tried to run every s...

沁: 让我看一下啦! 丝:看什么啦! 沁: 双手合起来,紧紧的... 丝:哪!(快速的将手放回身后) 沁: 我没看清楚啦! 丝:你很麻烦吖! 沁: 快点啦! 丝:。。。干吗啦!神经病!(不愿意的样子,双手紧握着) 沁: 紧握双手,左手大拇指向上的话,神志理智,右手大拇指向上的话,容易感情用事 丝:。。。 沁:你还要感情用事到什么时候。。。 - Synn

Worms Infestation...

Worms Infestation @ Brighton Toa Payoh...Just happen to be there when the exterminators came to take out the worms...check out the photos section for more photos...HUGE Worms...!!! Not for the fainthearted...

My Birthday...

It's a busy day for me, on that day and even on saturday i'm not even free enough to be online to blog about my birthday, it is even agony enough to not have time to really deal with my online games... But...I'm happy. I must say that I'm really happy living a life like that, well i'm loved by almost everyone around me, no matter friends or relative, i'm a lucky boy. Haha... Friday is the day which everything in the office is almost completed, the internet connection is up in the last minute, and almost all the connections in the office is done with some hard on testing from me. The office is now 100% operational starting monday. It is a challenge to change the mindset about the new office but I think I am coping it quite well. My level of consciousness seems to be lower these days as I try my best to focus on my work and also to make sure that everything is 100%. The dinner in Hanabi is amazing, well i like what they serve over there, Japanese Ala Carte Buffet...

10 Tips to Survive Downturn..

Image Hope that anyone who see this article will benefit...enjoy :)


Well it's thursday, and usually to everyone there is ain't gonna be anything worth mentioning on this damn boring day. However....this thursday proved's fun and not only that, pretty productive...and ALSO..pretty sentimental and nostalgic... Went to somewhere near tanjong pagar for lunch and there is this New Harbour Cafe & Bar. Derrick said that the food here is damn good and sure enough...judging by the picture above might already gave you a picture of how mouth-watering it is...the chicken chop is...powerful!!!... The food is good, the place is good...and well the topic sort of spoils abit of the atmosphere...overall it's fine.... Once again there has been more improvement in my idea generation in terms of christmas card creation...I have once again broke through the traditional "lost" idea to create something interesting using photoshop and the finger painting technique to create a nicer picture for christmas. Evening...met A-Sa for dinn...

The Law of Attraction

Found something interesting on the net, was talking to garry and leejoon about "the secret" and when I first found out about "the secret" was with changchun last year, and after seeing the chinese version of the book that garry brought to the office, it seems to piece together a thought for me to look for it on the net and reading up on what is being introduced in the book. "THE LAW OF ATTRACTION"...something so simple and yet so powerful. Something which exists all the time but may not be seen, intangible yet with massive force. Hope you people enjoy the read :) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Law of Attraction  simply says that you attract into your life whatever you think about.  Your dominant thoughts will find a way to manifest.  But the Law of Attraction gives rise to some tough questions that don’t seem to have good answers.  I would say, however, that these problems aren’t caused by the Law of Attra...


Quote: From Richard Picture from --------------------------------------------------- Life is like being gang rape If you cannot avoid it , run away from it You better start to learn How to enjoy it ... C'mon Baby !!! Damn it !!! Time to give life a good FUCK !!! Life really sucks ... And a lousy fucker too ... That's what life is all about !!! -------------------------------------------------- Sorry for the vulgarities there, and after reading through it...felt that yeah it's quite damn true....because you are being ganged left right up center...yeah gangbanged....situations come and goes and sometimes situations that were solved...returned unsolved...and it is almost frustrating just to think about it... Today is a day which my head is spinning all the way and I am surprised that I can still work at this is amazing that what I have accomplished today in this state...the state of think while my head is like spinning, lik...


Welcome to my brain, we hope that you have an excellent experience, please note that the current journey is 1. unrefundable, 2. unguranteed, 3. unprotected. As you decend into the abyss of this forbidden archive...remember yourself and do not be overwhelmed by the emotions or hallucinations that you might we will not be able to give any insurance coverage in this instance....Goodbye to the past... As you scroll down the the deepest depths of my brain you will find the forbidden archives that is here since the beginning of this life, it is what you say everyday at night...and the memories of what happen in the day before is reversed back into the brain, processed and archived. The best thing about this "backup" feature is that it is selectable and also very easy to do. The amount of information that the brain can store and archived is dependent on how much you think it can store...and it is actually.....virtually unlimited... Today I say goodbye to two people.....

I don't know how to Sing...

I was listening to songs and this lyrics pop up with a tune...and wrote them down and then...well i forgot the tune...damn!!...It's the first time I'm able to write down what I thought. Usually I sing them and then well forget it... Thanks so much for this few days with Garry and Richard...the ultimate duo that made me feel that like well...they are like one thousand times more jialat then me...and I wonder how it spread as I didn't update anything and didn't change any status...and thanks to everyone for your care and concern.... I'm fine!!! Lol... I got the lyrics of the song right here...feel free to give me comments...if I have time i will guitar tab them...hang on!!! 已经勇敢几分钟, 眼睛湿得有一点难受, 心情依旧失落 已经狂饮几杯酒, 眼睛里灯光旋转闪烁, 这次我真的不懂, 错,是谁错,难道依旧我认错 对,是谁对,难道我总是不对 听歌唱出我的心事,情歌常常让我心疼, 对或错已经不是绝对 唱歌的人五音不全,听歌的人摇头晕眩, 我知道,“我不会唱歌“ 也许勇敢不回头, 寂寞应该不会太难受, 心情虽然失落, 我一定会很快恢复, 错,是谁错,难道依旧我认错 对,是谁对,难道我总是不对 听歌唱出我的心事,情歌常常让我心疼, 对或错已经不是绝对 唱歌的人五音不全,听歌的人摇头晕眩, 我知道,“我不会唱歌“ 已经勇敢几分钟, 眼睛湿了, 眼红了, 也要离开 - Sy...

Something Interesting To Read

Image I was "walking" around the internet and found some interesting articles that made me stop and read for 30 mins. (I know that it took me damn long to read this post)...Richard Harrington is absolutely amazing in his sharing of shooting RAW Photographs instead of just shooting Jpegs. It has bored me before that shooting raw photographs requires alot of post-production in order to send the photographs over to my friends who are in the photos. More often than not, I end up delaying my friends photographs and depriving dramas that might derived from that trip or that outing.'s a new soul in my life other then music...recently Garry brought up something about learning how to play guitar and I said that I know how to play a guitar but not really classical and it's self-learned...I got a feeling that perhaps after 4 years that we know each other, I have never shown the musical side of me in regards to instrume...

The...As in THE NEW 15 Inch MACBOOK PRO!!!

This is the latest addition to my want list...the new 15 inch macbook pro. The design is gorgeous. How I came to know about it is from a link from a incidentless (I invented this word) day from Kelvin...he didn't say anything except paste this exact words - Some background for anyone who doesn't know, it is like when we find interesting website to share, we will just paste to whoever is online at that time on MSN, and kelvin happened to have the most interesting links IMO to date. When he pasted to me...I was like duh!? Who doesn't know that site!? My worst "fears" is confirmed as I didn't went to apple's site for like...2 days? The new design is out... There was already alot of rumors about this and I have pretty much become numb about it and the first impression to this baby is that...oh my god! It was quite funny as we were about to go on a break for lunch and is in the middle of a meeting, when I click on this i...

Something I found on the Net

【射手座11/23-12/21:沒骨氣的落跑大王】 少一根筋有啥好驕傲的,少蠢了好不好!一個太直接的人叫作笨好嗎?不是凡事一針見 血就有效!你沒聽過欲速則不達嗎?這些致命的缺點,通常射手身邊的人都很清楚,只 有射手自己不清楚!因為少一根筋的關係,導致做事瞻前不顧後,說話總是有口無心, 傷害了不少至親摯友,但自己仍渾然不知。你最厲害的一招是,當你把一件好好的事情 搞砸的時候,自己卻當起第一個落跑的人,真的是旋風小飛俠,來無影去無蹤,不知你 身在何方,天良何在! 超級自戀狂,從不知鏡子對你的作用是啥?反正照了也沒用,因為你是一個永遠看不見 自己缺點,厚臉皮到家的人!當射手眼中有一個目標的時候,世界就只剩下那一個目 標,導致你完全感覺不到週遭到底發生了啥事,天塌下來也與你無關! 沒看過記憶力太差,還把它當作自己的優點,拿來驕傲地掛在嘴邊一直講的傻蛋,諸不 知世上十個忘了關瓦斯的人九個是射手座的笨蛋;十個把小孩帶出門,忘了帶尿片跟奶 瓶的人九個是射手座的蠢蛋;但是,十個到機場九個忘了帶護照的,就絕對不會是射 手,因為出去玩這檔事,射手可從來沒馬虎過! 你個愛情觀就別提了吧!因為你從來都只有三秒鐘的專情能力, 一看到新貨就像惡虎撲狼一樣的撲過去,絲毫不知羞恥,然後連對老情人說拜拜都沒有,又是一溜煙的消失, 不負責任到家!還有,花也就算了,卻連說謊的本事也沒有,老是被抓苞,什麼唇印、 戲票、給別人的情書啦,通通都留在身上,真是個凡走過必留下痕跡的大白痴! -Synn

Happy Birthday To Rick

Just wanna say a HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO RICK!!!.... The day went past without any huge events other then rushing jobs like a madman with jobs from internal to agents and also trying hard to grab appointments. Just wanna say a big Thank You to everyone who is giving me support. You guys did a good job. The mini dinner celebration was held in Sun with Moon Restaurant in Central. It was quite a posh restaurant which uses colors like gold and yellow combined with yellow lighting to give an idea of a golden palace. The food is not fantastic but good...the price is also quite reasonable. The restaurant serves a variety of Japanese food. Will upload photos after I get it from Fion...who is only person that brings a camera there in the first place...Check back again :D -Synn

Bali - Last Day

Tanah Lot....a place which made me feel so much at peace, it is temple that is built by the sea...the waves that rams onto the rocks rams several meters up in the mades you awe at nature. The landscape looks deeply corroded by the force the wave rams at the rock formation. Some knowledge of geography also reveals that this beach is destructive and might disappear in the future. The destructive nature of the waves opens up a peaceful bay which actually is shallow enough to walk across towards a cave opposite for further worships. This part of the temple has also changed into a place of interest for most tourist as it offers a good sunset view over the horizon. It offers alot of subject for photography however my D60 is left with 2 bars of battery. Luckily I am able to off the LCD screen and also removed the beep sound from the auto focus function and also the 2 sec review that also eats battery life. I am able to shoot at least another 200 pictures before the battery bar goes d...

Bali - Day 2

I have been blogging almost everyday now that I am on vacation in Bali via my seems never to run out of battery as I type on the notes function and then send it to my email which i can in turn make it into a delayed blog on's an idea, but it will be delayed by a few days depending on how long it will take for me to do it when i get back to Singapore and then gets bogged down by the avalanche of work... It's relax day in Bali today as the plan is to do nothing and Nua...and it's a level which I am capable of like...wearing no shirt and showing off my huge belly (They call me Italy...guess what It means YI DA LI....). Lol it's something to stir me and finally they found something new....and I'm glad...Well it actually inspires me to do something about this Belly that I have developed after years...Something which darling has always pointed out to me...Sorry darling to only do something about it until now.... Anyway that is no the point, the d...

Bali - Day 1

I am writing this piece of blog while laying down on the sofa in the Villa which we rented for our stay in Bali, the name is called Bali Kubu Rama Villas. We rented a total of 2 Villas which is No.2 and No.3. Derrick and Family, Leejoon and Raymond, Mr Chua and myself occupies No.2 and the rest of the group goes to Villa No.3. Right now, I'm actually enjoying a glass of red wine and watching some crap on TV... Seems like everyone else is concussed after a day of non-resting and not to mention about I went on without sleep for almost 48 hours...I'm really tired.... The red wine seems to instill that sleep into me almost instantaneously as I struggle to stay awake in the Villa...we are talking about the trip and also some itinenary stuff as some schedules are changed due to an unforseen Ramadan festival that renders the road towards Kuta Beach unpassable...According to the tour guide, it will take roughly around 3 hrs stucked in the jam in order to get us unscrathed to Kuta Beach...

Finally Bali Trip...

I am at the airport while writing this...was singing Ling Cheng San Dian Zhong by Zhang Zhi Chen , I didn't really sleep yesterday, because of the excitment of a trip that I can use as an escape from all the crap that I'm facing in Singapore. Well the night is especially cold and I'm glad that I brought my jacket with me, it's freezing... The arrangement was abit screwed up as Sarah, Shawn, Jeff, and me reached the airport early at 15 mins to 4. The rest of the people were at the edge of concussion when I'm sitting at the kopitiam writing this. Bali...I thought that everything today is going to be fine when I take a look at Imail just now and found that I have screwed up something important again...perhaps I shall call Xueli to help me send that important file later in the morning. It's Saturday after all, she should get more sleep... Darling has especially say goodbye to me just over 4 hrs ago. The memory is still so vivid. I love my Itouch so much, and even ov...

Happy Childrens' Day

Happy Childrens' Day to everyone who takes their time to take a look in my blog, well i'm actually very busy to update my blog nowadays but thanks to my Ipod Touch, I am constantly able to blog while I have the free time whether is it during lunch or on the way home on the train. Today is Childrens' Day and I wish to wish everyone a Happy Childrens' Day for those who is still a kid or a children at heart. I came across this poetry on the net and I figured that I should share with everyone in this post, it is something that I feel alot about. Our homes, our lives, and to some extent, our environment...Enjoy... We are younger, But feel much older What we are, But the children. Those who stand silent In the acid shadows. We stand straight For our parents. No squabbles As we watch The slow painful killing of the world We are to live in. But we are the children Who stand by the apple tree And listen to the sounds Of our mother earth dying. We hear, Her writhe as trees are cu...

Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep

Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep is a website which is dedicated to parents who gave birth to children whose life ended before it began. Some died in the mother's womb, and some died in shortly after birth. Life is something that is given by parents whose the female spent nearly ten months in pregnancy to deliver. A pearl in the making, the process which crystallized love. The site pictured some of the most painful stories in the world. Children who have to be placed under life support the moment they are boned. The most painful process comes to the decision of the parents to pull away the life support equipments and needles which bored holes in the young skins. The sight of the life support machines that so support the life of the child being detached. The sound of the machine started to indicate the force of life seeping away. Beep....Beep....Beep.... And finally it all ends with a loud Beep........which extends for a long time....the monotonous mechanical sound which so heartlessly...

Tagged by Jersey

It has been a while since I took part in these chains...and well i'm in involved in may "Chain Quests" in WOW...i figured I'll do this one too.... Currently – working Current time – 10.00am Playing - Nah Working... Pending - Thoughts to improve my product What's new? – Bali Trip :D Real name – Jason Nickname – Synn(Overall), Syn(Forums), Jaz(IRC), Jaszy(IRC), Esca(IRC), DJ Synn(DJ Max, Forums) Married – Nah, in relationship :D Male/Female - I'm a Guy.. High school – We know it as Secondary School...:D College – Nanyang Polytechnic Are you a health freak? - Don't think so...I ate from Insects to Huge ones :D Do you have a crush on someone? – I hope I don't crushed people Do you like yourself? – Yes I love myself, so i don't commit suicide... Surgery – Nope.... Person you see in the morning – I scared myself with my looks again....urgh... Award – Ok lar I won some singing awards... Sports you join in – Soccer, Basketball, Pool(?), Billiard(?)...

Are you Burnt Out?

I think I am....

Upskirt Action in the Olympics

Recieved an email from a friend, and I don't want to say who he/she is well..enjoy this one :D... -Synn

24 Hrs KTV with Jesslin

Jesslin and I went to the KTV yesterday on sunday for 24 hrs...oh well it maybe very crazy but look at the picture..i mean it's real and it is really crazy...we really sing until our throat started turning dry and that it is really torturous that we continue to sing even though we only had one drink...(It is expensive to get another one). Anyway it was like we went on to sing until 3pm the next day which is just now.... @_@ Ok I was kiddin, anyways it is a technical error on the party world side which enter 4 hrs of KTV into 24 hrs..thought that it is quite interesting so I snapped it down... My my! How time flies and how long since I last met her, and previously from that girl that I know she has now turned into a fine fine lady. Still the same her except I am not in NS and she is not below 20 years old. Catched up with her with most of the things..just that we are suppose to meet up with Ann in the first place but unfortunately she is not free...but there are alot more ...

Singapore Comex 2008

Comex is always packed with people and this year, it is no exception. The layout of the show is very interesting, it stretches from the 1st floor to the 6th. With the number of people who is eager and trying to get it...we are well...jammed at the entrance to the show...the show this year features alot of new players in the booths and well I'm not going to name them all out and one of them belongs to a client and friend of mine. Oh well saw Cassandra and Albert at the audio-technica booth as expected, talked to them a awhile while Garry is paying for his headphones. He bought something which is small and compact for the reason to wack me the quality is pretty sharp for a small headphone like that, and it is really a good made me well...drooling for a new headphones as well...however tight budget I have though...gotta brush those thoughts aside... Perhaps it is the time that we went there, it is about 5pm close to 6pm...most of the booths are without the showgirls,...

Me Is Me!!!

Crazy over Liu Li Yang.... Me is Me...and no one will brand me as what I am not! No matter what happens...I will be Me!!! 我就是这样 天马行空的磁场 或许你还不习惯 我在等你变成拍档 我就是这样 注定和你不一样 谢谢你欣不欣赏 我的风格是限量 摊开的手掌 柔软又刚强 (十指纤长 指尖藏着一鼓力量) 安静的目光 温柔却也狂放 (眼神明亮 有好多话想对你讲) 我独特的模样 是全新的信仰 我就是这样 天马行空的磁场 或许你还不习惯 我在等你变成拍档 我就是这样 注定和你不一样 谢谢你欣不欣赏 我的风格是限量 Rap(Feat.Tank): 你不会躲在 不长不短的裙摆 耍无赖太依赖 都不符合你的心态 乖乖早过了时代 怪怪才有人青睐 不需要表态 让大家慢慢猜 既古代又现代 爱HIP HOP也爱李白 是女孩像男孩 这次出场注定精彩 我嗅到英雄神采 我瞄到美人姿态 多变的节拍 接下来该是你跩 诗人的滥觞 刻板的印象 (没有文字 足以介绍你的出场) 你爱晒太阳 我赏我的月亮 (井水河水 各自徜徉各的海洋) 想发出一道光 让世间不平凡 我就是这样 天马行空的磁场 或许你还不习惯 我在等你变成拍档 我就是这样 注定和你不一样 谢谢你欣不欣赏 我的风格是限量 温柔 倔强 勇敢 都是我 我拥有太多 不同基因 安静 吵闹 沉默 都是我 分钟 不同的颜色 我就是这样 天马行空的磁场 或许你还不习惯 我在等你变成拍档 我就是这样 注定和你不一样 谢谢你欣不欣赏 我的风格是限量 我就是这样 天马行空的磁场 或许你还不习惯 我在等你变成拍档 我就是这样 注定和你不一样 谢谢你欣不欣赏 我的风格是限量 -沁

歌手:刘力扬 歌曲:眼泪笑了

Joanna Ang , one of my friends which i know not long ago, not well enough, and I am quite slow to find her blog, and I stayed there fore at least one hour. I didn't read anything on her blog, but I just stayed at the page...listening to a song...a song that leaves me without a doubt...a trail of tears....I sang...I hum...I really really like this song alot... Thanks Joanna, perhaps you didn't know you helped me...but I really appreciate the song... 比想象中更痛 你真的没回头 我命令眼泪不许失控 回忆不跟你走 都挤在我心中 我就有责任让它值得被珍重 谢谢你曾让我难过 谢谢我没有想太多 当爱情左盼右顾的时候 我眼泪都笑了 谁还想哭呢 再勇敢的站着 找回光和热 面对你的时候 我不会舍不得 因为你已是过客 因为路有些曲折 是美的 你眼泪都笑了 谁还会哭呢 来不及完美的 就唱首骊歌 想起你的时候 我不是卑微的 反而我没有遗憾 因为我已爱过你 深深的 心碎成了沙漠 就快开凿绿洲 我没有时间不知所措 你温柔的双手 本就不属于我 又何必在乎它以后属于谁呢 -沁 Synn

End of This Part Of My Life

The river usually meanders as the flow of the water starts to slow down and the force of the water is not able to travel straight due to the constant resistance to the soil. It is also the most difficult part of the journey for the water that started in the mountains and is going to end at the sea. This is also the most difficult part of this part of my life. As the end is immediate, it started fast, and ends fast. As a matter of fact, i'm speechless...I didn't want to end this part of my life so abruptly. Well reality is always very cruel, and well i'm left my room...writing my story. Writing the end of this part of my life. I have changed so much that I sometimes forget about who am I, or what should I do. This all all's the End. Perhaps to some other people, this is a beginning. The beginning, or the end. There is so much endings in my life...and so to everyone's life. When something ends, something begins, and thi...

David Cheang's Life Story

It was in the beginning of 2007 when i know Mr David Cheang in HSR. Well probably one of the more friendly person i know at that time. (When I was still greenhorn, let people bully) well it was a pleasure to know him. Well i was surfing the web just now and i saw this...usually new paper's pages don't really stay there for a long i figured that i should do a screenshot for my bro. Just some words to say, well has been tough, well i'm glad that you didn't give up on yourself...success is usually given to the people who really didn't give up, and aspires to succeed. Congrates to your "chu", or "chia", perhaps you can give me a ride around :D....$400,000...fainted.... ^_^... I wish that one day I will be like David, "wu bor", "wu chu", "wu chia", "wu kia". I wish it will come true soon... - Synn


Was with the others when we were walking in vivocity and in front of us we see huge crowds of people. Oh well, since curiosity is part of a normal human being, we went over to see what happen. It is a tele-cast of the Olympics table tennis match between China and Singapore. It is almost like the stadium as people made noise, and when Li Jia Wei wins a point, they went "Yes!, Yeah!"...Lol whoever dare to say that there is no Patriotism in Singapore? Marche in Vivocity...good food :D It is delicious!! Should try :D - Synn

Marriott's Hotel Live Band

Marriott's Hotel Singapore Live Band Was quite bored outside in Orchard one day in July. well I didn't have time to blog and i was actually thinking of what to blog that won't be boring lol....well...i'm a boring person anyway. So i brought my gf to this pub just below Marriott's Hotel. It was quite peaceful at first, the place is very nice, quiet and just a occasional sound of glass knocking into each other. The lighting is yellow based that casted yellowish glow onto most of the furniture, all sense of colors is distorted by the dim lighting. What didn't change is the subtle sound of people talking in a distance and a occassional smell of burnt cheese flowing through the air into my nostril that makes me hungrier, and hungrier. The thing that is different is that at 10.30pm sharp. Two girls that looked perfectly normal in the distance stepped onto the stage. English speaking, with a bit of personality. One "armed" with a guitar, the other a violin. T...

Fa Cai Plant

Recieved a last minute call from Mum, asking me if I am free to go over to Ang Mo Kio for dinner. It was a dinner to celebrate an anniversary for a chinese god named Nan Hai Guan Yin, Bodhivasta of the Northern Sea, Bear with my spelling :) Well it was a night of chaos, why do I say that? It is because although we are trying to eat, and there is this guy who host an auction for most of the items that is contributed by the believers. Oh well I added my own contribution as well, which is shown here, oh well it's $100 bucks :D. It's the lowest contribution btw. Most of the items out there exceeds $1000. Well, that is what left over the day...well i didn't forget about this's still alive :D - Synn

Engrossed by WOW!

I must say that I'm throughly engrossed in the mythical world of "World of Warcraft", the game mechanics, and all the action, how deep the game is, how blizzard has blend in so many things into one solid game. I have been playing non-stop for the weekend, and I must say that I'm really tied to the game...although i'm still in the free month trial... Finally cleared most of the jobs that I have on hand and getting ready to pounce onto some Huge projects and all my clients suddenly came back to me wanting to do things, just meeting them alone has drained me of my energy everyday when I reached home. My performance for DJmax Portable 2 dropped significantly, showing signs of tiredness and unable to focus. My best song "Hello Pinky" dropped an approx. 40000 points from 735892 to only 391022 average. It made me throughly depressed however seems that I reaped most of my mood from my work. It gave me some feel of belonging... I should get my camera out... I nee...

Army Reservist

I am a nsmen. 3 days has passed and i must say that it is one of the most time-wasting activity in this whole year. So far is having to move to a location and waste time, I had wasted like 8 hours of my saturday sitting in a training shed in camp. This is truely an experience because when I am working, I don't have the luxury of having waste time like that. Argonomic designed time schedule...that is what we all need, and when we had planned all of our activies nicely in camp, we are forced to stay back in the camp until a certain time. Well, we end up...not caring about the time. I mean who will want to care about finishing the tasks with top-notch timing when the book-out timing is the same. Everyone in my Signal Company deserves a credit for making everything so fast and the processes seamless even through the equipment operation tests/exams. We end up..spending the next 2 hours waiting for instructions to book out...outrageous... So if asked for a TRUE after-action review which ...

A minute like "Sai"

Image One of the characters that i found very interesting in the naruto manga...and his sense and also talking without going through the emotional worries that is carried over to the listener...made him the number 1 person to be hated just through a normal conversation...i think it somehow resembles me in real life... Recently i found myself talking against the flow again, I didn't have the flair to talk "normally" in like in may. I was like...being struck dumbfounded and didn't know what to talk about anymore, or should I say, i am like...unappreciated. I was thinking about some things that was happening, and i thought that this is weird, and there is no logic. I was surfing the web yesterday when i waited for darling to come online after she went home, and i didn't know what was I typing and I came across this: I didn't know ...

Interesting SMS

I recieved an sms a few days ago, so i decided to share it with everyone :D 1月25日,雪灾=天灾 3月14日,藏独=人祸 5月12日,地震=地灾 1+2+5=08 3+1+4=08 5+1+2=08 08年08月08日奥运会巧合? 地震发生那天正好是距08年08月08日奥运会还差88天在加这个,都是巧合! 真是佩服李白,在唐朝就知道今年奥运,地震了: 北暮苍山兰舟四 京无落霞缀清川 奥年叶落缘分地 运水微漾人却震 前四个字 --- 北京奥运 后四个字 --- 四川地震 Abit wu liaoz....but quite interesting indeed... -Synn

A minute of silence

Image A minute of silence to the people who died here. May alive and trapped get rescue and the dead carry on their journey to their afterlifes... A minute of silence... - Synn

Digital Space

Chong Er Was looking at some older photo collection albums of mine, I actually discovered that, I have so many... -_-". As a scale...I have like 24gb (well closed to :D it was nvm..) of downloaded photo contents which I have cleared to like 1gb...LOL. Most of those are through 10 years of collection that 1) i have never browsed at 2) I have no idea I have it, 3) Just a plain want. I mean these lot is on virtual space and perhaps if these lot is occupying reality space, I would have thrown them all away like eons ago. Digital's so cheap and not only that, the versatility is so high. You can store all sorts of things there, photos, videos, documents, etc...etc... Are we taking all these digital space for granted? I have bought like hard disk, CDs (in the past), DVD, perhaps even blu ray in the future to store all these contents. Are these really need? Perhaps to the rest of my friends, Porn. Realplayer, Windows Media Player, Quicktime, XVID, DIVX etc...T...

Disaster Falling

It pains my heart to see this...The news have been reporting, and so many people are frustrated. The world sent help, but the aid teams are delayed. There are humans out there! Hey! There are people! Not animals man. God damn it, it is human hell out there in Myanmar.  Cyclone Nargis struck the lower deltas of Lrrawaddy last saturday killing a toll of maybe 100,000 dead in today's strait times. It is horrible to even imagine what kind of lifes are these people having over there. The aids and everything was sent by UN and there is this heck care people over there refusing/delaying visas of the professionals that is suppose to be there helping THEIR people. I cannot understand what the heck is going on over there...Perhaps politically...but letting people die like that as if they are valueless pieces of meat living like zombies...what the... I think I lost it when I picked up the papers today, this is ridiculous. Nargis, 190km/h winds and then followed by a tsunami hit the area, and ...

Living In a Crazy Life

Recent activities has left me nearly breathless at night, I mean there is so many things that is on my mind and I cannot do it now. Not to mention that I have to remember it until i get the time to do it. This blog has been left stagnant for like a month? I got to force myself to do this personal stuff before going back to work again. Life is peaceful for 6 months from the previous place that I have worked. Now I am posted to a place where I am not so disturbed but yet able to plan my time to finish what my clients has requested me to do. No entangled by phonelines, and handphone and walk in customers. Bleh.. Yesterday a client just broke my record, I got my first dressing down by a client for like 6 months from HSR, however i felt peaceful and there is not once in my life that I didn't feel the urge to retaliate any abusive words thrown to me. I am like normal and it feels like part and parcel of everyday life. I was delighted that how that client phrased his words and I really...