Disaster Falling

It pains my heart to see this...The news have been reporting, and so many people are frustrated. The world sent help, but the aid teams are delayed. There are humans out there! Hey! There are people! Not animals man. God damn it, it is human hell out there in Myanmar. 

Cyclone Nargis struck the lower deltas of Lrrawaddy last saturday killing a toll of maybe 100,000 dead in today's strait times. It is horrible to even imagine what kind of lifes are these people having over there. The aids and everything was sent by UN and there is this heck care people over there refusing/delaying visas of the professionals that is suppose to be there helping THEIR people. I cannot understand what the heck is going on over there...Perhaps politically...but letting people die like that as if they are valueless pieces of meat living like zombies...what the...

I think I lost it when I picked up the papers today, this is ridiculous. Nargis, 190km/h winds and then followed by a tsunami hit the area, and that's it....big time...As time goes by, without the clearance by the military government in Myanmar, more people is going to die due to shortages of water and food. Until they pull through this period, they will gain something valuable, and that is thanks to the floods that is brought by the weather. The people in the lower delta areas will be able to grow good rice crops ready to harvest at the end of the year.

That perhaps is one of the good news that the people over there now can depend on, however it remains questionable if the people can find their loved ones which some of them is missing and maybe dead. Perhaps that is one of the nightmares that he people over there are having.

 "It is better to have the corpse of your loved ones, then having no news at all"

It feels....sad looking at this words....what enrages me the most is that, there are Myanmar officials that basically dumps the corpses of the victims into the sea off the coast of Bogale township in the Irrawaddy. When i reach this part of the paragraphs, I feel a moment of anger and suddenly felt sad. Those people who are dead, without proper burial, or identification, was disposed off...whatever will happen to their loved ones???

"Time is running out"



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