As you scroll down the the deepest depths of my brain you will find the forbidden archives that is here since the beginning of this life, it is what you say everyday at night...and the memories of what happen in the day before is reversed back into the brain, processed and archived. The best thing about this "backup" feature is that it is selectable and also very easy to do. The amount of information that the brain can store and archived is dependent on how much you think it can store...and it is actually.....virtually unlimited...
Today I say goodbye to two people...Firstly to Mandy and Secondly to Synn Ver.25.11.
Mandy, it really pains my heart that she has to go and pursue her career in another company, i wish her best of luck in all endeavor and also hopes that she can grasp more of the social experiences as she continue to live here in Singapore. The grown up world...A little girl who stumbles in is at a serious disadvantage. Although I feel for her alot but understand that it is an instruction from the company...there is nothing I can do...Of course it is not neccasary that she will end up badly in the new company... "Xiao Mei Mei", a nick given by me to is not to mock but to help, i had wanted it to remind her that what she has done is immature and she has to stop...the nick is never to make her feel bad or to "stir" anything... Take care Mandy, for now...cya ard!
Synn Ver25.11, it is 1st of November and although the month of October is full of incidents and also a month of intense fighting is going on, a month of miscalculations, and to me the most importantly, it is also the most disappointing month of this year as well. With trust betrayed and also to a month to grow up...I have been saying "Xiao Mei Mei" to Mandy, and end up I should be called "Xiao Di Di" as well...Thanks to Garry for this part, to James as well, and Kelvin for sharing his story. Synn Ver25.11 is now officially discontinued and this new version will be stronger and also increasingly indestructable...
I must also bid goodbye to this girl who used to be the one of my dreams, she was so remarkable, and set me on fire for a period of 3 years, she has been the pillar of support in numerous occasions. Perhaps in this blog, alot of people are waiting for me to flame or waiting for me to publish the stories...But I feel that there is no point. Finger pointing and also flaming doesn't solve problems but aggrevates it. She is now out of my life unfortunately, and also the short messages that she has sent has broken my heart. The dreams that I have shattered, the path that I walk is tinted with eyes blinded and hands shaking...the sight has been unbelieveable so I believe...
- Synn