Singapore Comex 2008
Oh well saw Cassandra and Albert at the audio-technica booth as expected, talked to them a awhile while Garry is paying for his headphones. He bought something which is small and compact for the reason to wack me the quality is pretty sharp for a small headphone like that, and it is really a good made me well...drooling for a new headphones as well...however tight budget I have though...gotta brush those thoughts aside...
Perhaps it is the time that we went there, it is about 5pm close to 6pm...most of the booths are without the showgirls, and well that is one of the 3 reasons we are there in the first both of us is abit down for a while until 7pm...when we saw Sony's jolts me for a while and I yelled unregardless to who ever is beside me and may be turned deaf because of that..."HEY, SONY always have quite good showgirls:" to Garry...and he was like...yeah!
Anywayz we went to the Sony booths at L3 after we shop around for lobangs...what interests us is like $269 bucks for a 1TB Harddisk....god...$33 bucks for a 8gb CF inexpensive each storage media is costing...i must say CD and DVD storage is completely brushed away by communters around at the show...
Anywayz enjoy the photos that I have posted in the albums...