Bali - Day 1

I am writing this piece of blog while laying down on the sofa in the Villa which we rented for our stay in Bali, the name is called Bali Kubu Rama Villas. We rented a total of 2 Villas which is No.2 and No.3. Derrick and Family, Leejoon and Raymond, Mr Chua and myself occupies No.2 and the rest of the group goes to Villa No.3. Right now, I'm actually enjoying a glass of red wine and watching some crap on TV... Seems like everyone else is concussed after a day of non-resting and not to mention about I went on without sleep for almost 48 hours...I'm really tired....
The red wine seems to instill that sleep into me almost instantaneously as I struggle to stay awake in the Villa...we are talking about the trip and also some itinenary stuff as some schedules are changed due to an unforseen Ramadan festival that renders the road towards Kuta Beach unpassable...According to the tour guide, it will take roughly around 3 hrs stucked in the jam in order to get us unscrathed to Kuta Beach....well it's "THE BEACH" to go if you travel all the way to Bali...God...I wanna go there!!!
Leejoon seems to be very sick just by looking at her face, she hardly smile at all made everyone of us worried about her condition and after some medication, i bet she is fine...the rest is great except for the swarm of mosquitos that seems to be having a 'buffet' supper with everyone of us in the living room.
I actually stopped writing for like 20 minutes as I heard a loud scream from the 2nd floor of the is a girl and as I dart up the stairs towards the girls' room, the only thing I saw when I reached were people rolling around in the room. The situation was that Shawn lead the jeff and rick to scare the gals...and guess what they everyone is rolling on the floor laughing and well some rolled on the bed (That's not the point)....What is totally hilarious and bogs the mind is that...Fion is still sound asleep...
Everyone is like....WTF!?
The scream I swear was damn loud and in a place as quiet as the villa, it travels and multiply...and there she is...still soundly asleep as a log...This is paranomal...It's brilliant! I mean you can sleep pass such a commotion which involves 6 people in the room rolling around laughing at a deafening level and still sound asleep???
Speechless...I think this will remain as the "stirring point" of this trip....
- Synn