放弃学业後如今什么都没有 没什么可以骄傲
虽然很多人不了解我 可是至少我还有个梦
我一个人走 一个人看透 一个人受
烟都抽的寂寞 酒里头带着忧愁
路我自己选择 我一个人走
他们没有反对 他们只能在我背後默默支持我
害怕他们一天天的老去 我只想带给他们快乐
我不想多说 随口说说 可能喝的多
我从来就没埋怨过 那是因为我有个幸福生活
A song that i feel tremendously touched when listening...Perhaps this is what happen to alot of people felt when walking on their own path. It is the life that perhaps people have undertake. A path that is not mainstream full of prejudice and unsure. I have such a path currently and I am certain that this path will take me to where I wanted to go.
My way of living, it has been accepted by many who truely knows me and I am proud to have real friends now that understands what I think and what I yearn for. The dreams that I hold in my hands...the power that I can create. I solve problems and hopefully someone will come along and solve mine. Perhaps doing my best is not enough...
Perhaps this is a stage that everyone have to go through in life in order to gain the right elements to win something...anything. I have been losing...when will I start to gain the upper hand in something...or anything...I am very optimistic in this manner and finally something changed....
I am being accepted...I am winning in simple table talks, and perhaps people don't just see me as a young boy who doesn't know anything but a consultant, someone who truely knows what he is talking about...
Winning doesn't means good all the time...sometimes losing is part of the game...losing an argument but winning a contract is a wonderful example. I am not afraid of losing, because it is a stage to walk to the winning track...losing a to ask me to wake up my idea because "HEY..YOU ARE NOT DOING IT RIGHT"...the next time the incident comes up again? I will be well prepared to win...
I am afraid of Winning sometimes...Now some of my friends who enjoyed pool and billiard have changed...I am winning after losing all the time with another group of friends who enjoyed pool and billiard...and now that group that I am winning now doesn't play pool and billiard when I am around...sad...I am just trying to be good enough to win...and now I don't get games anymore...
Anyway I play to win...losing is part of the game...winning is part of the satisfaction...but don't lose the game...
- Synn