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Life is like being gang rape
If you cannot avoid it , run away from it
You better start to learn
How to enjoy it ...
C'mon Baby !!!
Damn it !!!
Time to give life a good FUCK !!!
Life really sucks ...
And a lousy fucker too ...
That's what life is all about !!!
Sorry for the vulgarities there, and after reading through it...felt that yeah it's quite damn true....because you are being ganged left right up center...yeah gangbanged....situations come and goes and sometimes situations that were solved...returned unsolved...and it is almost frustrating just to think about it...
Today is a day which my head is spinning all the way and I am surprised that I can still work at this is amazing that what I have accomplished today in this state...the state of think while my head is like spinning, like you take ICE. Not water in solid all get what I mean.
Was looking through old photos and actually i found alot of photos that is well shot ^_^ and also some which are blur beyond blur...almost amazing how I managed to store all of this rubbish in my computer...:D....some with really pretty girls (slave) and some with really cute ones (peifen) and some with erhm...yeah forbidden...oops...
Went shopping with sister and she mentioned that she wanna get a Ipod Nano but her mini is not spoilt remember I did a review of the Ipod mini about 5 years ago when I first got my mini and i mentioned that it is a tank...and for now i guess it has just won a new "longlasting" award for being one of the longest lasting Ipod I have used...HURRAH..."lame"...
Ate some stuff in NYDC...maybe i'll update this post with pictures from my sis's HP...with some meatball spagetti (Sp?)'s damn big plate...=+ =....nearly eat until cry...seh!!. but delicious...POWDERFUL!!!!....
Ok lar...I enjoyed my day today...although with some hiccups with some management stuff...but I will be able to do something about it tomorrow...
- Synn