Star Awards 2009

How predictable is the Star Awards 2009, although I watched it halfway through...only started to watch when they are starting the best informative variety show prize...which is new this year...and then the camera and the people in the scene is like...well it's Belinda Lee who is going to win...I just have the feeling...and well she did...Even if I didn't watch her show even once...and the scenes did a good job to pre-tell everyone at home that she is going to win....where is the suspense....ok i'm starting to whine again...
How about the scenes to show the people's faces just as they are about to win....LOL...they were showing their faces even before they announced the surprises...
The only entertainment is to hear what they are going to say on the stage...although I thought Bai Wei Xiu is cute enough to say that she forgot who is going to thank and then followed by Zheng Guo Cheng replying her with some sort of teaching to the rest of the artises...Interesting I thought...finally...
After I missed out on the television scene in singapore for about a year....I know that Li Jing Mei is having her 4th child...My god...and what Zheng Guo Cheng said is pretty entertaining....he said something like....Looks like the artistes here have nothing to do at night...funny but yet yeah....singapore nightlife is pathetic...looks like what he said on tv is well ironic....
Finally perhaps the whole production is felt with such bad stuff that I have blogged...but there is still some things that is good, I really like the stage design with the spiral-like style which spins the people who will give out the prizes....that is nice...which is further heightens with the likes of Zheng Guo Cheng which actually did multiple poses when he appears for the variety prizes....I really like how he added different things other then just picking out a piece of paper and then reading out the winner....the invisible ink on the arm or something like oil i guess...with some powder to reveal belinda lee as the winner for informative variety prize and also later using a lighter dissolving ink from the paper revealing Guo Liang from the best variety host award....Entertaining....
Everyone in the entertainment industry in Singapore is doing their best...and yet well people like me is still not satisfied with the likes of people in Taiwan...Talk shows without much limits...Perhaps we are too "guai" in a sense....which means...well boring....
- Synn