Remember the fallen....
It is this time of the year that everyone returns to the same place...even though the family didn't meet up for a long time...we meet up to remember those who have left the mortal world... To me it is the grandmother that loved me when she is alive.... She loves mangos and like jokes...she has left for over ten years now......
The air at 4am is freezing...well I didn't sleep the previous night because of the guys nights out with the rest. I don on my puma sweater and left the house. We had a van to bring us there, and met up with my cousins. We reached about 4.45am. There are no lights in the cemetary...The usually quiet place today is fully of people, and lights from burning of incense papers, etc....
Didn't bring my camera out today...but Alvinz brought his....every year without fail....Snapped a few pictures of the serene surroundings of Grandmum's tomb....Interesting...I remembered so much of the past....Some of which I didn't know still exists in my memory...
- Synn