Synn-Insanity 005
Well, what can I say. When I say that heaven is unfair to me for a certain thing in my life, it return to me in another way. I said that, "Heaven! Why are you so unfair. When people can earn so much in their life and I only earn such pathetic peanuts". The remark must have alert some kind of detection sensors in heaven and send a message to whoever is in charge up there. They return to me something incredible. Which is a very simple thing really, and that is "The Opportunity to Learn".
How many times I will skim through a book and then evaluate it with the very least information i got from the skim saying that it is good or not good.
How many times I was recommended a book but I didn't bother to look for it.
How many times I was taught something but I didn't bother to think about it.
How many ....
How many ....
Too many!
Nowadays a good book which is worth reading is worth a million dollars. The information is worth a million dollars. The ideas and philosophy they are presented are worth a million dollars, every one who reads a book can be a millionaire.
You know? They share their success stories to you. Whether or not it is useful, it is for you to evaluate and think.
As Jim Rohn says, "Be a learner, not a follower".
"Will you learn from a successful businessman, or should you learn from a businessman who failed."
The answer is pretty simple. You learn from the both. You should look at both sides of the coin before making a decision to guess whether it will come up tails or heads when you spin it. It might be a cheat with a coin with both sides the same.
Until now in the seminar which is elaborated, i finally understand. Not only will you learn from the experiences from a success businessman, you should also learn from the failures of a businessman who failed. Learn from the successful businessman, and learn to avoid the mistakes of the one who failed.
Something which makes me think quite long. He was brilliant.
Anyway, there is still some points which i have yet to go through in the notes. Will make the notes here again.
Time to sleep!
-Nitey Nite...Synn