Countdown with KTVClub

I am very happy to be with the KTVClub folks, and I will always feel that way even if I am to be less involved due to work and personal commitments. I wanna be more efficient and effective in work and doing what I am supposed to be. This is my new year resolution.

Countdown party was a success, and it is a great hit in my opinion, although Nigel says that it is a disappointment as the number of people who turn up is lesser than our expectations. No doubt I wanna thank Cordelia, Wendy, Eddie, Roy and Winston for preparing their song for their performance during the chalet. While I am not really an expert guitarist, I actually survived.

The games is great and although we are not feeling well, Nigel, Hacktor and I continue to be sporty and really push the mood level up to another gear. It is great. New year started with a pop from Allan with a "champagne" and hacktor's popped a few seconds later.

It is great to be there, although drenched with sweat and finger aches due to practise....I felt that well that the day is memorable, there are hiccups and opinions but well nevertheless....I love everyone...There was no spoiltsports and no petty is everyone together....Happy....I hope I will continue to be Happy....Continue :D

- Synn


Sky said…
Jia you bro!~

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