Crazy over Seven Knights

Thanks to my girlfriend, I had dropped into paying for a game once again, and this time round, it is game from Netmarble Nexus, named Seven Knights.
You can find out more about the story from their main site
Anyway I had entered the game close to a month now and this is my review of the game so far
1) Visually Stunning
The game had me captivated with their visuals, the animations from all characters are unique and trust me, even the monster skills are good. The colourful visuals from all the effects had me glued to the screen even during farming. Kudos to all the character designers to bring even the SanGuo Characters to life, they look terribly good!
2) Fast Character Progression
The game capped the character levels at 30 before equipments and transcending started to bring the character to other levels of power. In other games, we crawl in pain trying to bring the character to max level and then painfully farm for the items and equip them. I think we are already dead before trying for transcending. A typical amount of time in order to bring a character to max level is around an hour.
YES! 1 Hour! or if you are consistently farming, in 10 minutes you can bring a character to max level. When you bring the character to max level you get rubies which unlocks more abilities that a paid player will have.
3) Good Rubies Progression
As per the last point, this currency allows you to summon heroes for your team and if you are not paying for the game, you can also get rubies whenever you can bring a character to level 30. 5 rubies when you do it the first time with the character and 2 rubies subsequently. The game allows you to do a 10+1 summon for 250 rubies or you can summon for a single hero for 30 rubies, if you summon heroes this way, there is chance to get one of the most powerful heroes in the game.
4) Hot Time
You can activate a feature named Hot Time anytime of the day. This 4 hours hot time that you activated cannot be de-activated until it reaches 0. During this time, any adventure round that you spend in auto battle is not counted towards the daily 200, and you get increased gold drops as well!
5) Many Modes other then Story
Celestial Tower, Arena, Guild Wars, Daily Dungeon etc etc ensures that even if you are waiting for Keys (the item that you need in order to enter dungeons and will regenerate on 10 mins per key) you are not bored.
So, even if I am ending my post, there are even more that I can talk about the game right now, it is THAT good. so do yourself a favour and download the game and try it out. Feel free to let me know if you need a boost as there is a friend mode that we can use to send some items to you to kick start your game and experience. Lets go!
- Synn