
Showing posts from October, 2008

I don't know how to Sing...

I was listening to songs and this lyrics pop up with a tune...and wrote them down and then...well i forgot the tune...damn!!...It's the first time I'm able to write down what I thought. Usually I sing them and then well forget it... Thanks so much for this few days with Garry and Richard...the ultimate duo that made me feel that like well...they are like one thousand times more jialat then me...and I wonder how it spread as I didn't update anything and didn't change any status...and thanks to everyone for your care and concern.... I'm fine!!! Lol... I got the lyrics of the song right here...feel free to give me comments...if I have time i will guitar tab them...hang on!!! 已经勇敢几分钟, 眼睛湿得有一点难受, 心情依旧失落 已经狂饮几杯酒, 眼睛里灯光旋转闪烁, 这次我真的不懂, 错,是谁错,难道依旧我认错 对,是谁对,难道我总是不对 听歌唱出我的心事,情歌常常让我心疼, 对或错已经不是绝对 唱歌的人五音不全,听歌的人摇头晕眩, 我知道,“我不会唱歌“ 也许勇敢不回头, 寂寞应该不会太难受, 心情虽然失落, 我一定会很快恢复, 错,是谁错,难道依旧我认错 对,是谁对,难道我总是不对 听歌唱出我的心事,情歌常常让我心疼, 对或错已经不是绝对 唱歌的人五音不全,听歌的人摇头晕眩, 我知道,“我不会唱歌“ 已经勇敢几分钟, 眼睛湿了, 眼红了, 也要离开 - Sy...

Something Interesting To Read

Image I was "walking" around the internet and found some interesting articles that made me stop and read for 30 mins. (I know that it took me damn long to read this post)...Richard Harrington is absolutely amazing in his sharing of shooting RAW Photographs instead of just shooting Jpegs. It has bored me before that shooting raw photographs requires alot of post-production in order to send the photographs over to my friends who are in the photos. More often than not, I end up delaying my friends photographs and depriving dramas that might derived from that trip or that outing.'s a new soul in my life other then music...recently Garry brought up something about learning how to play guitar and I said that I know how to play a guitar but not really classical and it's self-learned...I got a feeling that perhaps after 4 years that we know each other, I have never shown the musical side of me in regards to instrume...

The...As in THE NEW 15 Inch MACBOOK PRO!!!

This is the latest addition to my want list...the new 15 inch macbook pro. The design is gorgeous. How I came to know about it is from a link from a incidentless (I invented this word) day from Kelvin...he didn't say anything except paste this exact words - Some background for anyone who doesn't know, it is like when we find interesting website to share, we will just paste to whoever is online at that time on MSN, and kelvin happened to have the most interesting links IMO to date. When he pasted to me...I was like duh!? Who doesn't know that site!? My worst "fears" is confirmed as I didn't went to apple's site for like...2 days? The new design is out... There was already alot of rumors about this and I have pretty much become numb about it and the first impression to this baby is that...oh my god! It was quite funny as we were about to go on a break for lunch and is in the middle of a meeting, when I click on this i...

Something I found on the Net

【射手座11/23-12/21:沒骨氣的落跑大王】 少一根筋有啥好驕傲的,少蠢了好不好!一個太直接的人叫作笨好嗎?不是凡事一針見 血就有效!你沒聽過欲速則不達嗎?這些致命的缺點,通常射手身邊的人都很清楚,只 有射手自己不清楚!因為少一根筋的關係,導致做事瞻前不顧後,說話總是有口無心, 傷害了不少至親摯友,但自己仍渾然不知。你最厲害的一招是,當你把一件好好的事情 搞砸的時候,自己卻當起第一個落跑的人,真的是旋風小飛俠,來無影去無蹤,不知你 身在何方,天良何在! 超級自戀狂,從不知鏡子對你的作用是啥?反正照了也沒用,因為你是一個永遠看不見 自己缺點,厚臉皮到家的人!當射手眼中有一個目標的時候,世界就只剩下那一個目 標,導致你完全感覺不到週遭到底發生了啥事,天塌下來也與你無關! 沒看過記憶力太差,還把它當作自己的優點,拿來驕傲地掛在嘴邊一直講的傻蛋,諸不 知世上十個忘了關瓦斯的人九個是射手座的笨蛋;十個把小孩帶出門,忘了帶尿片跟奶 瓶的人九個是射手座的蠢蛋;但是,十個到機場九個忘了帶護照的,就絕對不會是射 手,因為出去玩這檔事,射手可從來沒馬虎過! 你個愛情觀就別提了吧!因為你從來都只有三秒鐘的專情能力, 一看到新貨就像惡虎撲狼一樣的撲過去,絲毫不知羞恥,然後連對老情人說拜拜都沒有,又是一溜煙的消失, 不負責任到家!還有,花也就算了,卻連說謊的本事也沒有,老是被抓苞,什麼唇印、 戲票、給別人的情書啦,通通都留在身上,真是個凡走過必留下痕跡的大白痴! -Synn

Happy Birthday To Rick

Just wanna say a HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO RICK!!!.... The day went past without any huge events other then rushing jobs like a madman with jobs from internal to agents and also trying hard to grab appointments. Just wanna say a big Thank You to everyone who is giving me support. You guys did a good job. The mini dinner celebration was held in Sun with Moon Restaurant in Central. It was quite a posh restaurant which uses colors like gold and yellow combined with yellow lighting to give an idea of a golden palace. The food is not fantastic but good...the price is also quite reasonable. The restaurant serves a variety of Japanese food. Will upload photos after I get it from Fion...who is only person that brings a camera there in the first place...Check back again :D -Synn

Bali - Last Day

Tanah Lot....a place which made me feel so much at peace, it is temple that is built by the sea...the waves that rams onto the rocks rams several meters up in the mades you awe at nature. The landscape looks deeply corroded by the force the wave rams at the rock formation. Some knowledge of geography also reveals that this beach is destructive and might disappear in the future. The destructive nature of the waves opens up a peaceful bay which actually is shallow enough to walk across towards a cave opposite for further worships. This part of the temple has also changed into a place of interest for most tourist as it offers a good sunset view over the horizon. It offers alot of subject for photography however my D60 is left with 2 bars of battery. Luckily I am able to off the LCD screen and also removed the beep sound from the auto focus function and also the 2 sec review that also eats battery life. I am able to shoot at least another 200 pictures before the battery bar goes d...

Bali - Day 2

I have been blogging almost everyday now that I am on vacation in Bali via my seems never to run out of battery as I type on the notes function and then send it to my email which i can in turn make it into a delayed blog on's an idea, but it will be delayed by a few days depending on how long it will take for me to do it when i get back to Singapore and then gets bogged down by the avalanche of work... It's relax day in Bali today as the plan is to do nothing and Nua...and it's a level which I am capable of like...wearing no shirt and showing off my huge belly (They call me Italy...guess what It means YI DA LI....). Lol it's something to stir me and finally they found something new....and I'm glad...Well it actually inspires me to do something about this Belly that I have developed after years...Something which darling has always pointed out to me...Sorry darling to only do something about it until now.... Anyway that is no the point, the d...

Bali - Day 1

I am writing this piece of blog while laying down on the sofa in the Villa which we rented for our stay in Bali, the name is called Bali Kubu Rama Villas. We rented a total of 2 Villas which is No.2 and No.3. Derrick and Family, Leejoon and Raymond, Mr Chua and myself occupies No.2 and the rest of the group goes to Villa No.3. Right now, I'm actually enjoying a glass of red wine and watching some crap on TV... Seems like everyone else is concussed after a day of non-resting and not to mention about I went on without sleep for almost 48 hours...I'm really tired.... The red wine seems to instill that sleep into me almost instantaneously as I struggle to stay awake in the Villa...we are talking about the trip and also some itinenary stuff as some schedules are changed due to an unforseen Ramadan festival that renders the road towards Kuta Beach unpassable...According to the tour guide, it will take roughly around 3 hrs stucked in the jam in order to get us unscrathed to Kuta Beach...

Finally Bali Trip...

I am at the airport while writing this...was singing Ling Cheng San Dian Zhong by Zhang Zhi Chen , I didn't really sleep yesterday, because of the excitment of a trip that I can use as an escape from all the crap that I'm facing in Singapore. Well the night is especially cold and I'm glad that I brought my jacket with me, it's freezing... The arrangement was abit screwed up as Sarah, Shawn, Jeff, and me reached the airport early at 15 mins to 4. The rest of the people were at the edge of concussion when I'm sitting at the kopitiam writing this. Bali...I thought that everything today is going to be fine when I take a look at Imail just now and found that I have screwed up something important again...perhaps I shall call Xueli to help me send that important file later in the morning. It's Saturday after all, she should get more sleep... Darling has especially say goodbye to me just over 4 hrs ago. The memory is still so vivid. I love my Itouch so much, and even ov...

Happy Childrens' Day

Happy Childrens' Day to everyone who takes their time to take a look in my blog, well i'm actually very busy to update my blog nowadays but thanks to my Ipod Touch, I am constantly able to blog while I have the free time whether is it during lunch or on the way home on the train. Today is Childrens' Day and I wish to wish everyone a Happy Childrens' Day for those who is still a kid or a children at heart. I came across this poetry on the net and I figured that I should share with everyone in this post, it is something that I feel alot about. Our homes, our lives, and to some extent, our environment...Enjoy... We are younger, But feel much older What we are, But the children. Those who stand silent In the acid shadows. We stand straight For our parents. No squabbles As we watch The slow painful killing of the world We are to live in. But we are the children Who stand by the apple tree And listen to the sounds Of our mother earth dying. We hear, Her writhe as trees are cu...