Public Relations

I was quite amazed by the amount of information that is stored in Wayne's Head. He must have read alot. What he said in a "La Tao Huay" session is strongly affixed into my mind. His persistence in his ideals, and also the way he sees the situation happening in the design industry here.

The topic that was brought up and reminded by Cheemun was this person named Edward Bernays. I was looking around the internet and suddenly this person strikes me and I actually went over to google and check this person out...."The Father of PR - Edward Bernay". I forgot to ask Cheemun about the spelling of this person, and ended up with searches like "Albert Bernau, Albert Bernaoau, Edward Bernao etc...". Looks like I am desperately in need for hearing aids. Anyway it is inspirational to read about what this person did in difficult times and do things that people think is impossible...

- Synn


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