Being Loved

Luckily I have an understanding gf, she looked sad when i tell her that I am going to be busy from now on and may not have much time for her, but i can still afford a sunday for her when we can be alone to enjoy our own company. I must say that i have no choice, maybe i put my dream higher in position than her.
I am going all out, even if i lose all my money, i will not regret my actions today. I will continue to make my life harder and harder. No more slurging on things that is not what I need, but i badly need a laptop so i can work while doing other things like, waiting for friend's arrival lol. I discovered that i squandered away like 2 to 3 hours on saturday just waiting for people, taxi, or MRT.
I want to say something to my Mum too..
She is so tired looking after a boy that has no future. She quitted her job that fetches her good income to look after this little boy. She looks to the sky at night and smiles in happiness when i tell her that i found a job that has no prospect. I love her and I will respect her forever.
Oh Huijun, if you are reading this, you know who you are...i bet that you are very tired. I bet that you are doing alot of things for your future. Oh yeah i bet that you will succeed since you are doing everything you can, and heaven will smile on you too.
Oh yeah Summer, if you are reading this, you have to know that in this world, everyone has a time that he/she is down in his/her own way. However, let me tell you this, you will find spring just around the corner in this cruel winter. Remember that the sun is always shining, and when you are lost, just look for the star to the north...
I am a star....