Something about Week 38's Tuesday
Well it is another day which I will doze off to sleep early in the morning at my workplace. I admit that I didn't sleep early the night before and was quite torturing to wake up when you only have like 2 hours worth of sleep. That is ownage you know. Anyway the day pass pretty fast because as usual I am busy from 10am until like I'm off work.
It was terrible, it was like chaotic and well I made it worse by making sure that everyone was as chaotic as I am because I can't stand information being passed to me halfway. Anyway I sort of blew my top as I began to blame the person who gave me the information and then I walk over to the senior admin manager and blame her for giving the admin the wrong information which in turn gave me the wrong information and leads to this mess.
Well, work is work, after that I met Ziwei at Shaw Tower for this movie named Little Miss Sunshine. It is supposed to be a preview or something. Well, not bad, it is something which leads to terrible stomachaches due to intense was a hilarious show, full of lame jokes here and there.
That is about it~~ let me share some photos that i took with my new camera, I'll talk about that another day after I do more tries with it~~~ Enjoy :P

It was terrible, it was like chaotic and well I made it worse by making sure that everyone was as chaotic as I am because I can't stand information being passed to me halfway. Anyway I sort of blew my top as I began to blame the person who gave me the information and then I walk over to the senior admin manager and blame her for giving the admin the wrong information which in turn gave me the wrong information and leads to this mess.
Well, work is work, after that I met Ziwei at Shaw Tower for this movie named Little Miss Sunshine. It is supposed to be a preview or something. Well, not bad, it is something which leads to terrible stomachaches due to intense was a hilarious show, full of lame jokes here and there.
That is about it~~ let me share some photos that i took with my new camera, I'll talk about that another day after I do more tries with it~~~ Enjoy :P