Synn-Insanity 014

I really cannot make myself post everyday. Well another week has passed since I updated. I have enjoyed myself for this week while everything is going the way i wanted and also i have alot of things that I have done after leaving it there for a long time. I cleared up my room once more clearing more things that i didn't bother to touch the last time. I cleared up not only physical space but also virtual space.
Deleted some programs that I didn't even touch for a long time. IE ... Steam.
I made myself go back to laddering for warcraft III, 2 wins and 2 losts i guess it's not bad for a rusty player eh? lol guess i'm really bored about dotA...and i felt so refresh when i saw that i have to build buildings instead of just rushing with a hero...
Happy belated birthday to Jak!
Hey i also went back to playing billiard, although i always lost but i think i'm getting better after each and every time i played.
I didn't really know what to write today, as i was out of words usually at this time. Nothing really make me must write. Perhaps i'm not feeling right. Maybe i am just stoning at work, stoning after work. I will regain my senses this week after working so hard printing namecards after namecards. Lol....
Here are some photos to share...