7Knights - Defensive Hero Monday

I had complained to my girlfriend about having little choices for defensive heroes to advance as we will get at 4 Star defensive element every monday. And that today I actually had 4 4Star Elements which I had advanced 2 of them into 5Star defensive element in order to Level Up Lee Jung from 5Star to 6Star. The Main reason for levelling up Lee Jung is because there is a lot of changes in the meta game since the release of Wind God Giparang. After looking around the net for theory crafting for this particular character, i noticed that quite a lot of people in the arena had replaced Black Rose with Giparang. The main idea is that both of them had nearly the same stats and Giparang's skills takes out 2 Strikes of Damage Immune Shields instead of 1. With Speed at 30, he is usually going to go earlier then Lu Bu with Speed 20, and just after Bi Dam with Speed 30. So...back to defensive heroes, the reason why Lee Jung gets the pick is because of his Passive Skill. ...