The Combo that (nearly) won me the FNM Foil

Hi Everyone to my blog! Yes is going to be a MTG blog again...It was so exciting that I have to share with all fellow players about this and what I have done yesterday that made some of my opponents amused and still happy after scooping. What exactly contributes to a happy game of magic that left people pondering after the game about the deck that you are playing? You can read about the junk rites deck that I was playing last last week (I had no MTG for last week and this Wednesday Due to work), just have to scroll back to the post that I won the Farseek Foil. This week I changed a few cards. I dropped a Gyre Sage and 2 Copies of Lingering Souls for 3 copies of Undying Evil. What!?!?!? Some of you may ask... why that card??? I was actually watching a match a versus match on Starcity Games Youtube channel while having dinner in office on a day that I had to work late (Instead of going for MTG)...And I saw this Card in action and it completely synergies with...