
Showing posts from December, 2008


风远远地吹着我的脸我的手我的发我的心我的眼睛 你远远的呆在那个城那个路那个房那个灯那扇窗口 我静静的放着你给我的CD音乐当作背景 怎么唱 都不再煽情 我记得你习惯闭着眼抱着我好像我是你的脸笑嘻嘻 我不知该如何对你笑对你哭张着嘴不理你像个机器 你的世界我的日子好像没有谁对谁发过脾气 过的太快,来不及 唉哟…… 你说你说我们要不要在一起 柔情的日子里 生活的不费力气 傻傻看你 只要和你在一起 我说我说我要我们在一起 爱你不费力气 不像现在只能遥远的唱着你 A Song by Fan Xiao Xuan and sang in this video by Lai Ming Wei, a song which well I didn't know this song exist until I saw this video, found the genre quite interesting and well I did my best to sing it in KTV yesterday. Thanks so much to the support by Alex, WeiQi and Mandy, oh well and another girl...really forgot her name...I'm really so bad at names... It made me thought so much, during this few days, really made me thought alot about myself, about what is happening in my life, perhaps alot of things I will have to really think about what I do recently. I really love my friends, I seriously love every single one of them. They gave me so much support, and well without you guys, I will really plunge into my own void...into my own world so much.... -S...


很久很久以前,有一个单身的男人独自抚养了一个三岁大的女儿。在圣诞节的时候,女儿准备一份礼物摆在圣诞树下。礼物是用了一个金色的包装纸包起来。男人到家的时候,狠狠地骂了女儿,因为当时景气不好, 他骂女儿的原因是因为它浪费钱了。 圣诞节那天早上,女儿把礼物带到了男人的面前。“爸爸,这是给您的”男人看着礼物,知道自己昨天太冲动了,原来礼物是买给自己的。男人打开礼物,里面出了一个箱子以外,什么都没有。男人看了以后,以为女儿在开自己的玩笑,又骂了女儿。“你不知道,礼物盒子里因该有东西吗?” 女儿眼中含泪地说,“不!爸爸,我把我的爱都放在盒子里!而且都是对您的爱!” 男人听了知道自己错了,把女儿拥在怀中叫女儿原谅他 圣诞节后的一天,女儿就被上帝带走了。女儿在一场严重的车祸里,离开了。 男人在很久很久候还是把包着金色的盒子留在身边,每当他在任何的时候感到消极或失落,他就会把盒子拿出来,感受那个女儿留给他满满的爱,记起纳三岁大的女儿。 -沁


从来就没有人问过我长大後到底要做些什么 放弃学业後如今什么都没有 没什么可以骄傲 现在写的每首歌对我来说希望可以被人接受 虽然很多人不了解我 可是至少我还有个梦 我一个人走 一个人看透 一个人受 烟都抽的寂寞 酒里头带着忧愁 路我自己选择 我一个人走 我的家人从不知道我这几年究竟在做些什么 直到这几年我才告诉他们我正在追求一个梦 他们没有反对 他们只能在我背後默默支持我 害怕他们一天天的老去 我只想带给他们快乐 我不想多说 随口说说 可能喝的多 我从来就没埋怨过 那是因为我有个幸福生活 我一个人走 A song that i feel tremendously touched when listening...Perhaps this is what happen to alot of people felt when walking on their own path. It is the life that perhaps people have undertake. A path that is not mainstream full of prejudice and unsure. I have such a path currently and I am certain that this path will take me to where I wanted to go. My way of living, it has been accepted by many who truely knows me and I am proud to have real friends now that understands what I think and what I yearn for. The dreams that I hold in my hands...the power that I can create. I solve problems and hopefully someone will come along and solve mine. Perhaps doing my best is not enough... Losing... Perhaps this is a stage that everyone have to go thro...


It was morning rush usual i'm late for did everyone that is present in the train with me currently. Well Yishun has something that is good about it, and that is every alternate train, there is an empty one...well I happened to be lucky and got a seat. Through the crowd I happen to see the pretty face of a lady standing near to the door. She has just entered the carriage from Braddell station. Well she has such a nice face that it melts the boredom of the journey... As the crowd become lesser after passing through Toa Payoh and Novena, the girl did not move to the more spacious areas in the train...she just stand to the door...and the best thing is that...she is not moving.... I am puzzled...wondering why is she still standing near the door...and even when there is space beside the door which has a transparent tinted glass which people always lean on...she didn't move over to lean on the glass... Feeling extremely curious, I tried to run every s...

沁: 让我看一下啦! 丝:看什么啦! 沁: 双手合起来,紧紧的... 丝:哪!(快速的将手放回身后) 沁: 我没看清楚啦! 丝:你很麻烦吖! 沁: 快点啦! 丝:。。。干吗啦!神经病!(不愿意的样子,双手紧握着) 沁: 紧握双手,左手大拇指向上的话,神志理智,右手大拇指向上的话,容易感情用事 丝:。。。 沁:你还要感情用事到什么时候。。。 - Synn