Christmas Eve @ Riverine

I am quite surprised at the amount of fun that I had yesterday night until the twilight today. I mean it is damn interesting that the day began uninteresting even to a state of boring. I am playing cards in my auntie’s house from 3pm all the way to 6pm an d lost around 8 bucks. However, well it is for fun and I’m glad that the others are having so much fun about winning a few dollars for their 4D. Lol… I am also celebrating that I am able to get pass level 14 in Lumines which earns me a new song to choose when playing single player mode. Lol, I wonder if who cares about this anyway. About 5 past 7 , my darling drops into auntie’s house. Well she surprised me with a really “chiong” look. Something that I never seen in her for a long time. Well it is pleasant and I’m extremely pleased. I mean, she look gorgeous…kind of remind me of the song which Kelvin and Teck always sing in the KTV, “You look beautiful tonight”, or somethin g like that, I can’t really remember :P. We wen...