
Showing posts from September, 2006

Guildwars: Nightfall

Guildwars is one of the only 3 games I play right now, also one of the 2 that is on my PC. Lol, anyway no one will want to know that. Guildwars and Warcraft III on my PC and also Disgaea 2 on the PS2. Just a background about Guildwars, it is rated 9.2/10 in this website that I totally forgot, and also psychoed by this friend steven which got me right into the game and then he and his brother disappeared. Lol... Guildwars has gone through 2 chapters named Prophecy and Factions, both excellent games and totally made this RPG geek nuts. I actually bought 2 of Factions. Why? It is because I bought the preorder pack which comes with the standard edition of factions. However, the collectors edition came next...and guess what...I bought it too :(. The reason why Warcraft III is still installed is because of a particular mod named DotA...okie that is old story :). Basically why i wrote today's blog is because, I'm dazzled by weekend's guildwars preview for Nightfall...Paragon total...


无聊的星期三, 想用中文的我又来了. 今天的感觉上下起伏好快, 像过山车一样. 我就像一个失去方向盘的车,游荡在街上. 对心理的自己说话. 上线后的我, 来到了部落格, 就啰里啰唆的打了一大堆垃圾. 心里很不爽. 但是, 有什么办法. 看一看, MSN 上面,一个可以说话的人都没有。生活,就是这样,需要别人的时候,那个别人就一定会消失。 好喜欢, 这段歌词, 来自飞轮海的夏雪 你的世界已经准时晴天 远方的我在夏天看雪 我的孤独慢慢冻结 在没有你的夜 给我的爱已经过了期限 而我的心在夏天下雪 明明寒冬已经很远 我还是无法结束这冬眠 我的世界乱了季节 赤道竟然会飘着雪 热带雨林的原野 看起来白茫茫一遍 回忆在我心中积雪 连日出也无法溶解 应该流汗的夏天 可是一直流眼泪 我觉得, 很有意义. 希望大家以这么认为. 好难过, 先行一部. -沁

Something about Week 38's Tuesday

Well it is another day which I will doze off to sleep early in the morning at my workplace. I admit that I didn't sleep early the night before and was quite torturing to wake up when you only have like 2 hours worth of sleep. That is ownage you know. Anyway the day pass pretty fast because as usual I am busy from 10am until like I'm off work. It was terrible, it was like chaotic and well I made it worse by making sure that everyone was as chaotic as I am because I can't stand information being passed to me halfway. Anyway I sort of blew my top as I began to blame the person who gave me the information and then I walk over to the senior admin manager and blame her for giving the admin the wrong information which in turn gave me the wrong information and leads to this mess. Well, work is work, after that I met Ziwei at Shaw Tower for this movie named Little Miss Sunshine. It is supposed to be a preview or something. Well, not bad, it is something which leads to terrible stoma...


Life is always very vibrant, and full of inspiration for all kinds of work, and that is what occurs to me. I became a genius in design overnight, while the spell only last for a day. When it wears off, i'm back to where i started... -Synn 最近写歌的感觉好多,让我无法克制。歌名,还没取,就当作是,爱情故事吧! 我写给敏的 - 爱情故事 夜深了,为何他还没回家 心冷了,他的手机又没接 想透了,他应该很忙的 没时间,应酬这个小女孩 我哭了,他也不知为什么 我笑了,他也不知在哪儿 想走了,他却在路口等我了 我不知道,泪留下多少了,心里冰冷了,也许他会记得 他不知道,到底忙什么呢,他没时间,让我获得幸福呢? 但是。。。 当我躺在他的怀中,幸福就涌上我心头, 他用牵我的手, 轻轻把我反锁在怀中, 当我在烦恼的时候,难过想死掉的时候, 他牵起了我的双手,轻轻的把我带走~ 用他的方式爱我~ 我可以明白~~ 可以明白~ 用我的方式爱他~ -沁


今天,有是一个让我陶醉得一天,当我在MRT上听IPOD得时后,第一首歌曲就是天天夜夜,听飞儿乐团的作品。当音乐响起,"How do I live without you, I want to know". 触动了我的心,我的心就这样平静了下来。常常在上班的路上,哼着歌曲,让我的脑海浮现了一些画面。让我写下了一些东西.. 弹着吉他,听着音乐 心里的话,唱出思念 握在手心,你的项链 渐渐浮现你的脸 哭红的眼,泪腺以干 你的背影,仍在心里 握着项链,无法冷静 已经握了三天 我的世界,崩溃 我的视线,暗追 你的背影,难寻 如何能再一次看见 我的眼泪,狂坠 我的时间,暂停 你的温柔,不见 如何能在~感觉... -沁


今天,利用中文的部落格,来告诉大家,其实我不是很擅长利用英文。 我是一个喜欢中文的男生,常常钻研中文的奥妙。所以,我很喜欢中文歌曲的词, 也非常注意,歌曲的内涵。 今天上部落格,只不过,是路过,顺便留言。哈哈,也许,有一天我会有比较建设性的东西与大家分享。 大家,加油,无论你做的是什么,都已定要全力以赴。 -沁 Edit: Dedicated to friends who doesn't read english. Today, I shall use chinese to write my blog. Actually I'm not really a good english user, however I am a guy who like the chinese language very much. That is why I like chinese songs, love the lyrics and takes note about the content of them. Today I'm just crossing over, just walking through, on the way, so just blog. Maybe one day, I will have something which is better to share with everyone. So everyone! Whatever you do, just make sure you give your 100% effort. - Synn